Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sculptures - Unbelievable and Amazing Art Works!!!

We have always considered sculpture as one of the most amazing talents ever bestowed to mankind. Sculpture comes in many different forms but the pictures below truly substantiates that creativity is not confined to what is common and man has always the power to think outside the box. Never in my wildest imagination that a chainsaw, which i thought is only used in cutting trees can also be used to form figures which are very pleasing the eyes. Likewise sculptures made of sand, ice, stone, clay and more are amazing. Such works I believe can only be achieved by an unparalleled skill of a truly gifted man. Enjoy!!!
Sand Sculpture

Ice Sculptures


Obviously Stone......

1 comment:

  1. தோழி,
    தங்கள் ப்ளாக்கை தமிழில் எழுதினால் இன்னும் நன்றாக இருக்குமே.
    வீரம் தில்லை.
